My apology


Makayla Carles

Sometimes you have to say you’re sorry, even to yourself.

Makayla Carles, Student Contributor

My Apology:
this is an apology letter
to everyone,
because i always had to act like i knew everything.
because i had become so out of touch with myself.
because i just needed someone to listen.
because i never wanted to listen to anyone.
for always wanting to get my way.
for neglecting to step outside of myself.
for promising i’d change before really wanting to.
for waiting so long to find myself.
for not counting my blessings everyday.
for becoming so disconnected and not even noticing.
for cancelations of plans or not following through.
for ever putting “me” above any of you.
for all of the times i should have remained silent or spoken up.
for all of the dreams i forgot to chase.
for all of the days i spent too much time sleeping.
for all of the appreciation i never gave.
for all of the thanks i should’ve sent your way.
for dwelling on the past.
for all the flaws i may have pointed out, that you never really had.
for not noticing sooner that all of you are perfect.
for ignoring to see the potential in each of you and in me.
this is an apology letter
to everyone,
because i had it all wrong.
because i will never get it all right.
and that’s okay.
because my only hope is to be better everyday.
to everyone.
for everyone.
to me.
for me.