Jenna Bartlett
Get out there and start LIVING!
How do you feel right now? At this very moment, are you satisfied? Are you happy with where you are at this given point in your life? If your answer was “no” or “I don’t know,” then I got news for you.
Put your hand on your heart. Feel that? That’s called a purpose. You’ve been placed on this beautiful earth for a reason. Right now, you might feel stuck, as if life is stuck in some peanut butter or something. But it’s moving, I promise.
A lot of times I feel like I’m wasting my life at school, as though everyday I could be going out and living and traveling and enjoying so much the earth has to offer. I feel as though I won’t have enough time to do all that I want to do. And sure, we all need to go to school and get good grades and succeed in life and all that jazz. But sometimes, it’s OKAY to go out on a Wednesday night when you should be studying and go to a movie. It’s OKAY to sneak out once in a while and get a chocolate shake at Sheetz. You’re not doing anything wrong. You’re allowed to LIVE. It’s OKAY to tell that guy you like you want to hang out. It’s OKAY to get rid of friends who bring you down. This life is yours. You’re free to do whatever you want. You’re free to LIVE. No one is stopping you. Forget all the people in your life who are telling you that you have to wait. Do it now! Don’t wait! Drink that chocolate shake down, get a brain freeze. Stop waiting for your life to happen and go live it now. You’re not too young! You’re NEVER too young to journey and travel. It’s not too early.
But guess what, too? It’s OKAY to stay in. It’s OKAY to eat an entire pizza by yourself on a Saturday night and turn down your friends. You got power, my friend. It’s OKAY to just lay on the floor sometimes and cry. It’s OKAY to whine and complain and wish life was different sometimes. But never forget you got power. You are free to live, all day, every day. Things are just going to go wrong sometimes, but until you go out and live your life, you’re never going to know.
Just remember, one crucial factor in all of this, remember God. Live through Him. Do everything with love—and a little bit of glitter and chocolate chips. But do everything with love. Live for Him, always.
Stop existing, start living, thank you very much.
Psalm 121:7-8 — “The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.”