
Mya Decker

Name: Mya Decker

Age: 17

What do you do for the Blueprint?

I have a segment on the Blueprint called “2 Cool 4 School.” It highlights students who wouldn’t normally get recognition for their talents because they don’t do things that are related to the school. I also host interviews for Athlete of the Week. Occasionally, I will write other stories as well.

What do you enjoy about Blueprint?

I enjoy that Mr. Naylor gives us the freedom to run creatively. We also get the freedom of time. I usually have a video up each week but it doesn’t have to be that way. I like that Mr. Naylor is pretty chill. We write what we want and for the most part it’s a, “Yeah, sure post it.” It’s honestly awesome to write a story for someone and have their parents facebook message me and tell me how appreciative they are and how great it is that all students are getting a chance to be recognized. Blueprint is honestly the best period of my day!

What’s your best or favorite story that you have done so far?

I have TWO favorites! I can’t choose! So, the first installment of “2 Cool 4 School” with Kermit Foor was one of my favorites because I feel he does a lot for this school with his music, and so he misses out on getting the most of the school dance. I appreciate what he does, PLUS it was just a funny interview to do!

My second favorite story was with elementary student, Ava Beiswenger. I didn’t like the story so much as I did the interview. She is a company dancer at MSDC with me and she is just precious. We had a lot of laughs in the production of that interview.

I like all of my “2 Cool 4 School” installments. Each student has a different story to tell, and I think that’s important to learn and tell others about!

What would you tell a person considering joining the Blueprint?

DO IT! It isn’t always the easiest thing to get all the information you need for the particular story you are writing, but it’s rewarding. Again, when a parent sees that their child is on the Blueprint because of you and contacts you about it, it’s an amazing feeling. If you are considering joining, you have to be willing to work, but it is definitely worth it! 🙂