DCI Bands to Watch
The eye catching DCI bands
May 25, 2018
DCI stands for Drum Corp International, which is basically the best marching bands you will ever see. I am a drummer and would die to get a chance to go and play, even see, one of the groups perform. They are the best of the best. The worst DCI group would make the best college marching band look like a joke. Here are some of the best in my opinion.
The Blue Devils
From Concord, California, this is the best group in DCI, and there records show this. Coming in first or second in the past eleven years and winning their 18th championship in 2017, coming in 1st 6 out of the 7 past years, the Blue Devils definitely have what it takes to be where they are at. Their 2017 show, “Metamorph”, is most known for the opening where the snare did what is called a break-up, where one snare starts to play and then it keeps going and each keep joining in. This was a very creative way of approaching the piece. They have been my inspiration to become better at what I do, so that someday, I can be as good as they are. I would say marching with them is an honor. If you like music like me, they are definitely worth watching and will blow your mind. The notes that the bugles have to hit and how fast and precise the drums have to be amazes me. I love The Blue Devils and hope that they keep winning, which they probably will.
The Cavaliers
From Rosemont, Illinois, the Cavaliers are a seven-time winning DCI band and is still going strong. Also known as “The Green Machine” due to the fact their uniforms are green, the Cavaliers are also one of the most influential drum and bugle corps I have watched. One of the coolest performances they did in my opinion was “Machine”. As the name implies, it was meant to sound like a machine working, and they nailed it, coming in 1st. There was another performance where they picked up the tenor players and they played upside down. It was one of the coolest performances I’ve seen by drummers. They go over the top in their performances and you can tell that they get into it. I love watching them because you can tell that they love what they are doing, and to me, those are the best kind of performers.
The Bluecoats
From Canton, Ohio, the Bluecoats are another DCI group that goes above and beyond with their performances, with one of the coolest being “Tilt”. As the name of the show implies, they had platforms that were at angles so the performers could tilt while the color guard held them. Another was “Down Side Up”, which started with the snare drums on the top of a slide, using their hands for a beat and then sliding down it and going straight into playing. They are one of the most talented DCI groups I’ve watched, behind The Blue Devils. The Bluecoats are my favorite DCI group and I hope they keep coming up with cool ideas for their shows and keep killing the game.