National Responsible Dog Owner Day


Today is National Responsible Dog Owner Day. How many dogs do you have? More importantly, are they your pride and joy? Today is a day where you have to take as much responsibility for your dog as possible.

We all may be thinking the same exact thing which is why National Responsible Dog Owner Day a holiday? In Raleigh, North Carolina there is a place called American Kennel Club. Each year, they invite more than 5,000 affiliated dog clubs along with other pet organizations to help the public in their communities about the responsibility of dog ownership and help people strengthen their relationship with their pet. Most of these events consist of educational booths, games, activities to try out with your dog and so much more. 

When you first adopt a dog, it can be stressful. You have to buy them food, buy them toys, train them, give them a place to sleep, etc. It can get stressful because they don’t listen, they tear everything up, they do their business inside even though you were training them to go outside. It honestly makes you want to go crazy. But there are actually good perks on having dogs. 

The good perks about having a dog(s) is that they can relieve stress, improve your social life, they can keep you active, stave off depression and most importantly, they add meaning and purpose into your life. 

Today, spend as much time with your dog(s) as much as you possibly can because they can change your life and make you the happiest person. It will bring you joy and it will bring your dog(s) joy because you are spending more time with them than usual.