BAMS news on the daily


Paylynn Gregg

Tech Club students prepare for the morning announcements program.

If you ever wanted to learn more about the BAMS morning announcements program, here’s your chance! This is a run-down of how we make this happen each day.

Around 7:45 a.m. the Tech Club students go to the high school where there is a computer lab. That is where we start preparing the slides that are used to share information. When the high school students are done recording their announcements, we go into the studio to start getting the equipment ready. We put the slides on the teleprompter and choose students to read the announcements for the day. The announcers take their seats in front of a green screen to make it look like we are inside a news room, and now we are ready to broadcast the program.

Once everyone becomes silent, the program begins after a countdown from students working behind the scenes on a Tricaster. We start with the pledge of allegiance and then as the slides are switched, the announcements are read to the middle school teachers and students. When the program is over, we have to wait a few seconds before we can move around in the studio because there is a 15 delay from the Tricaster to the TVs in each classroom. We also have to turn off the cameras and lights, and then we use a USB drive to transfer the recordings of the announcements to a folder on a computer so the video can be put on the BluePrint. This lets absent students and other people know what’s going on in the school.

Finally, we shut the door and go to our morning classes. Of course, we go home at the end of the day, and then we do the same thing the next day, only with different students doing the announcing. 

Be sure to tune into the morning announcements program on Channel 88 or on the Daily Announcements section of the BluePrint!