National Zoo Lovers Day


Today is National Zoo Lovers Day. Zoos have been around for thousands of years. A zoo was originally called a “menagerie.” In some form, menageries have been around since ancient times. The earliest recording was around 1500 B.C. 

Many people either young or old, enjoy visiting the zoo. Where else can you see tigers, lions, and bears all in one place. Can’t forget the elephants as well. 

This day encourages us to explore our local zoos. Each year, millions of people visit zoos and learn about the many animals that live there. Also known as zoological parks, many of them serve as breeding centers. These facilities are relied upon when species are endangered or at risk of becoming endangered. They also provide education to the public about a broad variety of animals and their habitats. 

Enjoy seeing your favorite animals swinging from the trees or splashing in the water and have a fun-filled day. 

To observe National Zoo Lovers Day, visit your local zoo. Make a donation to a zoo program. Use #NationalZooLoversDay to post on social media. You can also  take a virtual tour of a zoo. There are many different kinds of zoos. 

Some zoo facts:

  • The Vienna Zoo is the oldest existing zoo and was opened to the public in 1765. 
  • There are 350 zoos in the United States 
  • Approximately 175 million people visit a zoo each year 
  • Disney’s Animal Kingdom has had more than 9.8 million annual visitors