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The Bellwood-Antis Mini-THON committee is planning a stall day next week for a fundraiser.
Mini-Thon is holding a stall day for all first period high school classes on Thursday, September 28th.
A stall day consists of students bringing in loose change to donate for Mini-Thon. The change will be given to each student’s first period teacher, who will count it all up. The period cannot continue until it has all be counted. The purpose is to delay first period by spending time counting up money for a good cause.
The event will be led by the people in charge of Mini-Thon: Mr. Hallahan, Mr. Elder, Mrs. Soisson, and Mr. Barr. Some volunteer students who are a part of Mini-Thon are also lending a hand.
The idea for a stall day came from Mr. McNaul when he was in charge of Mini-Thon. Everyone involved thinks it’s a great idea, and hopefully many students will participate and be competitive.
The more change that is brought in, the longer first period is stalled. “It’s a win-win,” commented Mr. Hallahan.
Stall day is first of many fundraising to come, and the people working on Mini-Thon are considering including the middle school in an alternative event or future stall days.