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Assortment of hard candy's
A favorite of young and old, alike National Hard Candy Day on December 19th, recognizes the sweet tooth in all of us.
Today is National Hard Candy day.
Most hard candies are 100% sugar with flavoring and color added. To achieve a hard candy, confectioners boil a sugar syrup to 320 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the temperature is reached, the hot, pliable sugar is poured into molds or rolled and folded into shapes and left to cool. Once cool, solid sugar becomes hardened and brittle.
The first hard candies, such as lemon drops and peppermints, were likely prescribed as a remedy for stomach ailments.
In 2015, Jolly Ranchers surpassed surpassed Werther’s Original as the best-selling hard candy. Other popular hard candies include Dum Dum Pops, Life Savers, Tootsie Roll Pops, and Charms Blow Pop.
Enjoy your favorite hard candy. While shopping for some to taste, be sure to pick some up to fill those stockings, too.