Kerry Naylor
Irvin's on Main will have its name displayed atop the scoreboard as part of its new naming rights deal with Bellwood-Antis.
Professional arenas and sports stadiums have been selling their naming rights for years now as a way of generating revenue.
It’s common, but it can lead to confusion. For example, for many Steelers fans, Acrisure stadium will always be known as Heinz Field. It’s a problem Bellwood-Antis may be addressing soon.

In a recent unanimous decision, the Bellwood-Antis school board decided to sell the naming rights to Memorial Stadium, the home of the Blue Devil football team.
The decision came after funds were needed in order to pay for the renovation of the track. In order to pay, B-A decided to put up the naming rights for auction and local businesses jumped on the advertisement opportunity.
So while Memorial Stadium has historically held that name for 74 years, that will change forever starting September 9, on the field’s 75th anniversary when it will be rededicated.
Memorial Stadium will be known as Irvin’s on Main Stadium.
Not everyone is happy with the change. A local community member, Douglass McCraken commented, “This is ridiculous! I’ve been a Bellwoodian for over 50 years and grew up playing on that field! It’s bad enough they already renamed the track and the football surface, and now this.”
The district isn’t stopping with just the stadium. Bellwood plans to the basketball court Jimmy’s Place Arena. The district will then use this money to replace the clocks in classrooms. The Julia Roseborough Track will also be renamed as China Chef Track.
Along with naming rights, Bellwood has also received sponsorships for the concession stands. The district will be replacing both stands at the football field with a Micro-Sheetz near the entrance and a Micro-Rutter’s at the bandstand.
As a further cash generator, the district is selling advertisements on uniforms, not unlike European soccer teams and NASCAR drivers.
Many decals have already been added to the Blue Devils’ helmets and and patches to their jerseys, with local business like East End Pizza, Delgrosso’s Amusement Park and Rossi’s Corner Store.
Some players have complained about the decals and patches.
“We’re all walking advertisements and look like billboards on the field,” said sophomore Jayce Quick. “If I’m wearing this garbage, I deserve to be cut in on an NIL deal like the one Caleb Beiswenger signed last year.”
Many have speculated that further renaming will continue with the name of both the high school and Myers Elementary. Currently, rumors are surfacing about Tyrone buying the naming rights to the high school, with a rumored name of Tyrone 2: The Electric Boogaloo.