Nicolee Lovrich
Sour face!
We all know someone who has a sour personality… they are normally thinking negative and never positive.
But, today is their day! Celebrate everyone who you know is sour and always negative about things.
Sour people normally hold grudges against others and always has a negative mindset.
Cheering up a sour person can be difficult, but here’s a few tips and tricks on how to cheer someone up: Tell a funny joke or story, try to listen to them, watch a funny movie together, and last but not least, go on a walk with them. Endorphins are chemicals that releases your body when it feels pain or stress. They’re released whenever you a activity that enjoyable, like exercise.
Someone can have a sour personality due to rough events in their lives. Adding onto those problems by making fun or them makes them angry or bitter. It’s nice to have a friend to talk to when you’re going through these events. If you know a sour or bitter person, make sure their okay and listen to them talk for a little while they get all of their emotions off their chest.
Signs of you becoming a bitter person are: jealousy, frustration, often envious, holding grudges, fear, and anger.
Today is for all the sour people out there!