This is the end
That’s how Near-Miss Day got started
That could have been bad.
Today is National Chip and Dip day and you should be happy I didn’t publish a story about it—it was a near miss.
Here’s why this is significant.
March 23, 1989, is the day the world almost came into contact with an asteroid. If we were a mere 500,000 miles to the right (seems like a lot but in space terms, not so much) we would have been smashed to itty bitty pieces.
Such a close call, right?
That day in history is the reason we now have Near Miss Day.
Have you had a near miss?
From something little like almost failing a test to almost wrecking your car, anything goes.
“One time I was riding my bike though the woods and this buck came out of nowhere– it jumped over my head! I crashed and jumped up and ran as fast as I could to get away,” said senior Dalla Huff.
Senior Kyler Lardieri couldn’t pass up the chance to outdo fellow classmate Dallas Huff.
“When I lived down in South Carolina– I was like eight at the time and my dad tells me I was a dare devil,” he said. “Well, anyway, we were swimming and suddenly my dad is yelling to get out of the water and waving his arms ’cause there was a shark like twenty-five yards away from me. I didn’t listen to him and I lived so whatever.”
He went on far longer, the story not as short as it is here but those are the most important details. But the near miss stories didn’t stop there. Dallas couldn’t bear (haha) to be out done so he went on to tell yet another story.
“When I was like four I was swinging on a swing at my aunts house and my cousin screamed and ran inside. The next thing I know my aunt is walking towards me slowly and going ‘Dallas, when I say to I need you to jump off the swing and run to me, okay?’ and I looked behind me and there was a bear. But I just kept swinging going, ‘Oh, a bear.’ She had to grab me off the swing. A guy that lived a couple houses down came and lassoed it to a tree– yeah, lassoed the bear to a tree.”