Emily Wagner
STEM Night featured activities and displays throughout the middle school.
The science department held the first ever family STEM night at Bellwood-Antis on Thursday April 16th from 5:30 to 7 p.m. and the community response was outstanding.
“We consider our first ever STEM night to be a success,” said middle school Stephanie Kuhn, one of the event organizers. “We had a great turn out and the students were very excited. I really felt it served its’ purpose to outreach STEM to the students, their families and our community. This is a great starting point for making STEM night an annual event.”
Various age groups were on the scene at the STEM night – young, old, and even graduate students.
There were about six companies and institutions there that brought projects to show, including Penn State Altoona and Saint Francis.
Penn State brought a bicycle that generates electricity to power a video game.
Senior Chad Miller said, “I liked playing a video game while riding a bike.”
Druck Diagnostics was there and brought a high speed centrifuge which separated salad dressing into its different parts.
The giant rollercoaster was a big hit at STEM night.
The fourth grade teachers Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Burns had people build towers out of Red Solo cups.
High School physics teacher Alice Flarend, another event organizers, said, “There were a lot more people there than we expected who stayed for a long time.”