Readeth this if ‘t thou dare

Alexis Mayhue

More stories from Alexis Mayhue

May Ray Day
May 19, 2015

That’s from Hamlet in case you were wondering.

Anon today, April 23, isn’t Shakespeare day, but ’tis Talketh liketh Shakespeare Day.

To bray out it, this entire article is going to be written in corky english.

But I can’t just writeth about nothing, thou knoweth? So lets talketh about Shakespeare and all of his great accomplishments, shalt we? Oh—and it’s his birthday.

Shakespeare start’d out as an act’r between the years 1585 and 1592 but his best w’rks haven’t been written until 1589 through 1613.

If you’re familiar with his worketh than you’re belike acknown that he mostly wrote comedies, hist’ries, and tragedies. Some of his most well-known playwrights includeth Hamlet, Othello, and Macbeth.

Shakespeare was marri’d to Anne Hathaway (no, not the act’r from the princess diaries) and togeth’r they had three kids, two sons and a daught’r.

When his twins came into the ordinary, Shakespeare disappear’d. He wasn’t doing as much, he isn’t seen as oft, and he is said to hast fl’d his town f’r London to escapeth his prosecution. F’r what, thou asketh? Hinds poaching.

All in all, Shakespeare hath around thirty-eight plays, 154 sonnets, two v’ry longeth narrative poems, and some oth’r things. He is so well-known that his plays art translat’d into ev’ry maj’r language and they art pref’rm’d all around the ordinary.

If you couldn’t read this, hover over each paragraph and it’ll show you what it is in the English we use now.