Everybody Matters
September 24, 2015
In my opinion, everybody’s life matters. And the issue with “Black Lives Matter” is a little unnecessary.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good cause, but I think it has gone a little too far. With people shooting police, police shooting people, it’s just crazy.
Citizens should not have to worry about being shot by a police officer when they did nothing wrong. But on the other hand a police officer shouldn’t be shot while trying to keep his town safe, his neighborhood safe, or even his family safe. I can see both sides and in that I get a lot of confrontations.
Some people say the “Black Lives Matter” movement is a good thing, but they are overlooking one small thing. The Name. Just using the name alone brings back discrimination. I do believe there are people that still don’t like African-Americans because of their skin tone, which is totally ridiculous, but we shouldn’t reinforce discrimination.
Put yourself into a police officer’s shoes when a criminal came at you. What would you do, would you shoot them when they are unarmed and be accused of killing the man or not shoot and take the possibility that you might die. These things happen when people do not make the right choicces and get themselves into things.
We, the citizens of America, need to learn how to get along with each other, an dif it is skin tone, gender, sexuality, or personality, it doesn’t matter. We are all people and we need to stick together for our safety, for your safety, and your friends and family’s safety.