Not Your Ordinary Gym Class

7th grade students get funky


Rachael Frederick

Students showing their square dancing moves.

It might not sound like a physical education activity, but it is. Once again this year, 7th grade student are learning how to square dance in gym class. Yep, they’re learning all kinds of moves to some good old-fashioned country music.

We asked some students their thoughts on square dancing, and this is what they had to say:

Isaac Lusk: I like to dance with my friends, and it is fun.

Alexis Noel: It is fun learning the dance moves, and I like dancing with my friends.

Rachael Frederick: It is fun dancing with my friends.

Then we asked the gym teachers, Mr. Hughes and Mrs. Wilson about square dancing, and here is a summary of what they shared with us:

We want to give students a chance to try something different and have fun at it. Square dancing allows students with all skill levels to be successful, and it gets everything involved. It also incorporates rhythm and movement while teaching students how to cooperate within a group.

Sounds like gym class isn’t just for basketball and football anymore!