The Final Stretch
Seniors are reaching the final stretch.
For the seniors their last year of high school is coming to an end as they reach the final stretch. Some major events have come and gone. Some other major events are just around the corner.
The honors banquet took place on May 9th. At the banquet 44 seniors and other students were recognized for their achievements and scholarships will be given out. May 11th is the seniors reward day. Their reward is a trip to the curve where they will be gone most of the school day. On May 20th seniors must have all their fines payed to the office.
Next up is finals week. Finals week begins May 19th with first and eighth period finals. Then on the 20th there are the second and seventh period finals, and then there’s a break thanks to the weekend. Then starting back up Monday, the third and sixth period finals take place. Finally the last finals, fourth and fifth period, will take place on Tuesday, May 24th.
The seniors last day is May 26th which is right around the corner. That day is a busy one. To start off the day, the seniors will attend the yearbook assemblies and receive their yearbooks. Then they will go to their senior breakfast. Finally to end the day, the seniors will receive their caps and gowns.
May 31st begins commencement practices from 7:50 A.M.-11:00 A.M. Seniors will meet in the auditorium by 7:50 A.M. and must bring their caps, gowns, and picture envelopes. June 1st there is another practice and then that evening starting at 7 P.M. is Baccalaureate.
Finally on June 2nd, everything comes to an end. Graduation will be held either on the football field or in the auditorium at 7:00 P.M. Then immediately after graduation the seniors will report to the library to receive their diplomas, final report cards, and Class of 2016 pictures. The caps and gowns are also for the seniors to keep.