Julianna Norris

Rachel Wertz

Meet the Court: Rachel

Name: Rachel Wertz

Age: 17

Parents: Rebecca and George Wertz

Siblings: Sarah, Kaitlyn, Jessie, and Jow Wertz

Hobbies/Clubs: Leo Club, painting, designing Clothes, and doing hair/makeup

Interests outside of school: Spending time with my friends, family, and boyfriend

Favorite song: Stairway to Heaven- Led Zeppelin

What does being a part of Bellwood-Antis High School mean to you?

I think Bellwood-Antis is a great school with great people.

How does it feel to be part of the Homecoming Court?

I am so grateful that I have the privilege to be on it, and I am excited to experience this wonderful moment in my life.

What sets you apart from the other members on the court?

There is nothing that sets me apart from them. We are all friends.

What would it mean to be crowned queen?

It would make me so happy to receive that honor and represent my school and class of 2018. But, I would also be happy if any of the other girls won.

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