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Tom Kovac, who is the Facilities Director for the Bellwood-Antis School District, received a Presidential Service Badge while serving in the Navy Seabees.

Thomas Kovac

Courtesy photo
Tom Kovac’s time in the military allowed him to meet President George W. Bush.

Name: Thomas Kovac

Age: 34

Position: Facilities Director

Branch: Navy Seabees

Years: 2001-2006

How did serving impact you?

The service challenged me and forced me to step out of my comfort zone. In doing so, I learned that I was much more capable of doing great things. It also developed my leadership skills, which have helped me in a very successful career.

Why do you think it is important for people (especially young people) to get involved in serving their country?

There is no game or contest that you could win that would give you as much of an honor as serving our great country. You will learn a selflessness that creates endless possibilities, and friendships that are unchangeable. You will also enter the greatest community in the world, which is the Brotherhood of the United States Armed Services.


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