Lynch Controversy

Have people gone over the deep end? Many nowadays take the biggest offense to the slightest remark.

Clyde A. Lynch was a man who dedicated his life to keeping Lebanon Valley College afloat during the Great Depression. He served as president of the college for 18 years before he passed away in office. For his efforts, a building on campus was named after him, Lynch Memorial Hall. A seemingly harmless name has taken lash from the current students attending the college.

“Lynching” is a term used back in the 1800 and 1900’s in which Caucasian males (the mob) hung innocent African Americans for a perceived offense. So it’s no surprise that the Black Union at the school have taken the most offense to it.

So why is it now that the students are perceiving a problem with the name? Has our generation become so politically correct that we can find a problem in nearly everything?

Why not have Marshawn Lynch change his last name? What an ironic casualty, an African-American with the last name of Lynch. He has no issue with his name.

This issue could go so far outside of the racial aspect. Stevie Wonder is a name that implies things about him are beautiful beyond the imagination. Jokes on him because he is blind.

Three separate baseball stadiums, Busch Stadium, Coors Field, and Miller Park all promote drinking.

Arrowhead Stadium of the Kansas City Chiefs celebrates a huge Indian massacre.

Let’s just change all the names people have issues with to new names. That would be great! Then more people would be insulted with the new name and they’d have to keep changing it.

Is anyone ever pleased with anything or do they always look for something to complain about? The world may never know.

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