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Meet the Homecoming court

Meet the Homecoming court

Briley Campbell, Homecoming 2024.
Briley Campbell

How did you feel when you were elected to run for homecoming queen? I was so honored and so excited to be chosen for the court alongside such sweet girls! 

What’s one thing you want people to know about you? I taught myself how to play the guitar.

What are three school activities you enjoy the most? I love playing soccer, running track, and helping out with community events with my clubs.

What’s your biggest piece of advice? I would say to just try to find joy in the little things every single day. Sometimes life can feel repetitive and boring or even overwhelming, but keeping a positive attitude can change so much!

What theme day are you looking forward to the most? I’m definitely looking forward to costume day! I’m excited to turn my court into the Brady Bunch family!

What clubs are you in? I’m in Renaissance Club, French Club, FCA, Mini-THON, NHS, and Scholastic Scrimmage.

What would it mean to you to win homecoming queen? I would be so honored if I were to win homecoming queen! I would be so thankful to everyone who voted and am grateful to have even gotten the opportunity to be on the court in the first place!

What has been the best part of your high school career?  I would definitely say that going to support my friends in their sports and being in student sections has been super fun. I also love to go places and make fun memories with my friends!

Briley Campbell, Homecoming 2024. (Morgan Kienzle)
Gianna Juart, Homecoming 2024
Gianna Juart

How did you feel when you were elected to run for homecoming queen? I felt honored that my class considered me as a candidate for the court. I am excited to represent our school and participate in the fun Homecoming activities. 

What’s one thing you want people to know about you? My family and I are big Disney nerds, and I am excited to participate in a parade at Magic Kingdom in November with UCA Varsity cheer. 

What are three school activities you enjoy the most? I enjoy musical theater, cheering under Friday night lights, and working with Pre-K during my elementary internship. 

What’s your biggest piece of advice? My biggest piece of advice is to get involved as much as possible because there are so many opportunities to make new friends and make a positive impact, as well as lifetime memories. 

What theme day are you looking forward to the most? I’m excited for costume day on Wednesday because I’m excited to see everyone’s costume and dress up as jeepers. 

What clubs are you in? I’m in Renaissance, Mini-Thon, FCA, Spanish Club, NHS, and Key Club  

What would it mean to you to win Hmecoming queen? Winning Homecoming queen would mean that my peers think highly enough of me to be a role model and representative of Bellwood-Antis Highschool. I think that all of the girls on the court have those qualities, and I would be happy to see any of them win that title. 

Gianna Juart, Homecoming 2024 (Morgan Kienzle)
Rowan Kyle, Homecoming 2024
Roawn Kyle

How did it feel when you were elected to run for H0mecoming queen? It felt nice knowing that my grade thought of me for Homecoming queen, very reassuring. 

What’s one thing you want people to know about you? Last time I got my hair cut I cried in the chair as she was cutting it.

What are three school activities you enjoy the most? I enjoy running cross country with my friends, my history class, and engineering and robotics class.

What’s your biggest piece of advice? Write down what Ms. Shimel writes on the board. It helps.

What theme day are looking forward to the most? Definitely movie day. That will be fun to see what everyone came up with.

What clubs are you in?  I am in Mini-Thon, French Club, and Renaissance.

What would it mean to you to become Homecoming queen? Even if you don’t win, it’s a really great experience with your friends, and to know some people think you deserve it is very reassuring. 

What has been the best part of your high school career? All of the opportunities and activities with your friends make high school very enjoyable.

Rowan Kyle, Homecoming 2024 (Morgan Kienzle)
Chloe McCloskey, Homecoming 2024.
Chloe McCloskey

How did you feel when you were elected to run for homecoming queen? I was very excited to hear I was voted to run for homecoming queen.

What’s one thing you want people to know about you? As a hobby I do my friends and my nails.

What are three school activities you enjoy the most? Activity period, my fourth period internship, and history class.

What’s your biggest piece of advice? As señora says “Marry rich.”

What theme day are you looking forward to the most? Movie day because I’m excited to dress as Sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas.

What clubs are you in? Mini-Thon, Key Club, Renaissance, Spanish club.

What would it mean to you to win homecoming queen? It would be very exciting, and I would be very happy to be crowned homecoming queen this year.

What has been the best part of your high school career? Being able to make new connections and friends throughout these last four years.

Chloe McCloskey, Homecoming 2024. (Morgan Kienzle)
Avah Hassler, Homecoming 2024
Avah Hassler

How did you feel when you were elected to run for homecoming queen? It was very surprising, but I’m super grateful for the opportunity

What’s one thing you want people to know about you? I’m super strong in my faith. I make God the center of my life

What are three school activities you enjoy the most? I enjoy participating in volleyball, track and my preschool internship

What’s your biggest piece of advice? Always staying involve. High school moves fast and you don’t want to miss out on any opportunities to have fun.

What theme day are you looking forward to the most? For sure movie day. It’s a great day to see everyone be creative and have some fun

What clubs are you in? Mini-Thon, Renaissance, NHS, Spanish Club, FCA, Key Club, Aevidum 

What would it mean to you to win homecoming queen? It would be an amazing honor no matter the outcome. I will cherish the memories I’ve made through this experience forever 

What has been the best part of your high school career? All the friendships and opportunities I’ve been given these past four years 

Avah Hassler, Homecoming 2024 (Morgan Kienzle)
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