The expectations and reality of freshman year

Sidney Patterson

Mr. Naylor’s Freshman English class hard at work.

Sidney Patterson, Editor and Chief

Your first day of high school, yikes!

Many can agree you go into freshman year one of two ways: either with far-fetched optimism, or pessimistic expectations. Which outlook is more prominent in the Class of 2021?

Incoming ninth graders like Sasha Neyman weren’t nervous whatsoever.

“I was not nervous coming into high school because I know people from the high school,” said Sasha. “High school is actually very different in a good way, and it’s not what you would expect. You get a lot more freedom than you did in middle school.”

However, some of her fellow classmates’ expectations were much further in left field than others. Freshman Kenny Robinson weighed in on some of those false expectations.

“I was always told that in high school the teachers would provide no help beyond note packets,” said Kenny, “but the teachers are very willing to help students if they don’t understand a topic.”

Although high school isn’t all the terrors told in the middle school hallways, it’s certainly no cake walk, especially not in the first few weeks. Emily Martin shared some of the struggles of the high school adjustment.

“One challenge about moving up to the high school is getting to know your schedule and learning where everything is,” Emily said. “I’m still getting used to my schedule and it’s the second week.”

“It’s not unusual for freshmen to be filled with anxiety,” according to ninth grade teacher Mr. Kerry Naylor.

“Every year you find kids coming up from the middle school who are nervous about their schedule, nervous about getting lost, nervous about meeting new people, and just anxious in general,” he said. “But over time they realize it’s still just school, and eventually they adjust to student life.”

Through the ups and downs, the BA Class of 2021 aspires to reach their goals throughout the next four years, goals like that of Malia Danish.

“My goals for freshman year consists of getting good grades, studying hard, making new friends, and staying more organized.” said Malia.