iPad charging stations available now in media center

Riley Miller

The media center has new iPad charging stations.

Quintin Nelson, Staff Writer

The days of dead iPad batteries end here!

Starting this week, the Bellwood-Antis School District will be signing out portable chargers to students! With 10 chargers available per district, students are able to pick one up if they find themselves with a dead or low battery iPad.

Located in the main office for the Myers building and in the Media Center for the middle and high school, these chargers are accessible to all students. All one must do is sign it out and return it by the end of the day. Each sign out will provide a student with a battery block and a cord. The battery blocks are charged when not in use. This allows students to charge their iPads without having to plug it into a wall!

Ms. Forshey, the Director of Instructional Technology and Media at Bellwood-Antis, says that she feels like these chargers will be of great help to students.

“We are hoping these stations will reduce some barriers associated with students not being able to participate in lessons and/or complete assignments when their iPads are not functional. “