Malia Danish

Kaitlyn Dickinson, Isabella Barbosa, Sydney Lechner and Caitlyn McCartney make plans at Aevidum club.

Rebecca Burns, Staff Writer

I am one of the many students who have no idea what most clubs are. I look at the activity sheet and wonder what is Leo club or Aevidum. If I want to join Spanish club or French club, do I need to be in Spanish/French 2 or higher? What grades do I need to have in order to be in National Honors Society? Is Blueprint only for students who take Blueprint class during first period?

If you are like me, then this series of articles is for you, and if you know about most clubs, then this series of articles will help clarify some questions you might have. “In the Club” is a series of articles I will write about different clubs. These clubs will range from Chess club and Leo Club to Blueprint and SWAT team. I will also cover other topics such as Mock Trial and Speech League. If you ever have an idea for an article, I am open to suggestions.

Each week I will showcase a different club or activity. I will ask them questions like, “What does this club do?” and, “How can someone join?” I will also answer the most common questions students have. If I do not answer a question you have, please let me know. I hope I can help you learn about all the different opportunities at Bellwood. It would be helpful to me if you would please take this short survey. It will help me to know my audience.

Next week’s article is Aevidum club. Make sure to check and see if Aevidum is a club you might be interested in.