Middle School Dress Codes: Are they fair?
Two 7th graders who shared their thoughts about the dress code.
Some people think that school dress codes are fair. Most of these individuals are adults so we asked some BAMS students—Carsyn Gilbert, Annie LeGrand and Bailey Frantz—what they thought about this controversial issue. Here is what they shared with us…
Q1: Should leggings be completely covered by a long shirt?
Carsyn: It depends if they’re really tight and see through, then yes. But if they’re not see through, then no. It’s also very hard to find long shirts that are cute and that are appropriate.
Annie: No, because people should be respectful to others no matter what they wear.
Bailey: No, because not everyone likes long shirts and girls want to look cute. They’re also hard to find.
Q2: Should shorts be to your fingertips?
Carsyn: As long as they aren’t super short, they shouldn’t have be to your fingertips. If they’re not showing anything, they should be fine.
Annie: No, it’s hard to find cute shorts that are appropriate for school.
Bailey: I think you should be able to wear whatever kind of shorts that you want just as long as they are not showing anything inappropriate while wearing them.
Q3: Should the straps of girl’s undergarments be able to show?
Carsyn: Yes, because it’s kind of hard to cover them up. As long as the entire thing isn’t showing, it’s fine.
Annie: Yes, they’re just straps of clothing, and they don’t show anything while wearing them.
Bailey: No, I just don’t like the look of it.
Q4: Do you think the dress code is fair?
Carsyn: No, I don’t think it’s fair at all.
Annie: No, I don’t think it’s fair and I don’t like it.
Bailey: No, I don’t think most of it’s fair.
Q5: Do you think most dress code rules only apply to girls?
Carsyn: Yes, and I think that’s not fair.
Annie: Yes.
Bailey: Yes.
In conclusion, these are some of the thoughts of a few girls in the middle school about whether the dress code is fair. Hopefully what we found out can be used to make some changes that will work for everyone.