New Dress Code Hype

Leigha Clapper

Sixth grader Alyssa Briggs wears leggings according to the new dress code change.

When the 2019-2020 school began, BAMS students were more interested in the dress code than in previous years. Why, you ask? Because the new dress code allows students to wear leggings without a longer shirt. According to many middle schoolers, this was a good change made by principal Dr. Wagner. 

To prove our theory, we asked two students their opinions about this change to the dress code policy.

Sixth grader Lindsay Campbell said, “I feel like I enjoy school more than last year because I don’t have to wear a long shirt over my leggings.”

Abigail Mcguire, a 7th grader, answered with, “I like it because it’s hard to find shirts that are long enough to cover the leggings.”

These responses are probably what most students would answer.

We also had the chance to sit down with Dr. Wagner and talk to him about this dress code change. When we asked him what prompted him to make this change, he replied,  “The policy was getting really difficult to enforce, and it was done to help make students more comfortable.”

Our opinion along with the student interviews really show that this change to the dress code was a positive one for our school. Not only does it help students feel more comfortable with their clothing, but it helps them to be in style with their outfit choices too!