BAMS Students Visit PSU Forensics Department
A group of seventh graders recently went on a special field trip to Penn State University to tour and experience their Forensic Science Department as well as the Deer Research Facility. In order to have the opportunity to to attend students were required to write an essay about why he or she should be included in the trip. There was a maximum of 25 students that could go, so whoever wrote the best essays were selected.
The visit to the PSU facilities included lifting fingerprints, checking blood splatter, and learning what type of fingerprint you have. The 7th graders also toured the enclosed deer pens and whitetail research area. After lunch the students stopped at the Penn State creamery for an icy treat. We interviewed Mr. Hescox, our 7th grade science teacher, and four of the kids that went on the trip including Jacob Caracciolo, Shyla Stotler, Holden Schreier, and Hunter Simmons. Here’s what they had to say about their experience:
Jacob Caracciolo
Q: What was your favorite part about going on the Penn State field trip?
A: I think the deer were entertaining.
Q: What is one thing you learned?
A: Fingerprints can identify who the person is.
Shyla Stotler
Q: What was something educational you liked while on the trip?
A: I liked how we got to learn how the fingerprints determined who the person is.
Q: What was something non-educational you liked?
A: When we all took a picture by the lion.
Holden Schreier
Q: If you were to sum up everything you learned, how would you?
A: I learned a lot about deer genetics and a lot about how the police learn about crime scenes.
Q: While on the trip, what was one thing that caught your attention the most?
A: That the age of the deer does not determine how big the antlers are and how many spikes it has.
Hunter Simmons
Q: What is something fascinating you learned on the Penn State trip?
A: How to trace fingerprints.
Q: Before you went on the trip, what did you expect? Did those expectations get met?
A: I expected us to spend a lot of time doing forensics. Those expectations did not get met because we only spent an hour or two at the forensics center.
Mr. Hescox
Q: What’s your favorite part about taking the kids on this trip?
A: The kids that go all want to be there because they wrote the essay to be there so they worked extra hard to go.
Q: What learning advantages does this teach the students?
A: It’s real world and preparation for a career someday. It’s also more interesting to hear this information from someone other than me, and it was hands-on.
In conclusion, the students and volunteers that went on the trip enjoyed this fun learning experience. We’d like to thank Penn State University and the Bellwood-Antis School District for letting the students have this opportunity. We hope it continues in the future!
Come back to the B-A Blueprint soon to read more about our beloved school!