High school planning on purchasing bike racks

Addy Turek

Highschool students are forced to park their bikes against the school wall.

Johanna Heckman, Staff Writer

Many Bellwood-Antis High School students ride their bikes to school afraid they will be damaged or stolen. As a result, Bellwood plans to provide bike racks for the high school.

The bike racks could be put outside the auditorium.

Bellwood-Antis principal Mr. Richard Schreier has had many students and parents asking about where the bike racks are. 

At the Bellwood-Antis Middle School, there is a bike rack and many high schoolers park their bikes there. School security officer Mr. Tim Mercer said that “it wasn’t a option to move the middle school bike rack up to the high school.”

For a high school student to use the rack, which is located on South Second Street, requires them to park in the back of the school and walk around to the front entrance.

Many students are either late to homeroom due to putting their bikes away at the middle school, or they lay their bikes in the grass in front of the high school. Others simply lean their bicycles against the school wall near the gym.

There have been no bikes found damaged or stolen so far.

Ninth grader Corbin Folk is one of the many students who park their bikes in the middle school. He says that he “doesn’t enjoy the walk” around the school from the middle school to the high school entrance. He is looking forward to the high school to put in the bike racks.

One online search showed a typical 18-bicycle bike rack can range from $370 to almost $600. There was no word on when the school would purchase the racks.

Mr. Mercer said he hopes to have bike racks by the end of the school year at worst, by the winter at best.