Holiday-ish use less stuff day

Thursday is a day to use less stuff.

Look around your room and see how many useless things you have laying around. There’s probably a lot, but that could all change.

On the third Thursday of November we are all encouraged to use less stuff.

Some useless things you get may have are remote cars that you play with for less than a week, or the toy make-up that you would put on while your mom did her make-up. Many of this things you get as presents for birthdays or Christmas is just useless stuff.

Considering that Christmas and Thanksgiving are coming up and relatives are coming in, you get a lot of stuff you don’t use. Thanksgiving might be some people’s favorite holiday, but it is one of the holidays when you use a lot of useless things, like paper plates when you already have plates in the cabinet, or plastic utensils when you have utensils in the drawer.

There is a proper way to get rid of the things you do not use, like if it is a toy or a clothing time you should donate it. However,  trash should be properly thrown away or recycled.

Stuff is just stuff If you can’t  use it get rid of it.