Spread the word: Inclusion Week
March 31, 2023
Starting next week, Bellwood-Antis High School is celebrating their “Spread the word” Inclusion Week.
What is inclusion? Inclusion is when nobody is ever left out, and everyone feels welcome and wanted at all times, including those students with intellectual disabilities.
B-A has always done a very good job of making sure all special education students feel included with many sports and programs that promote unity between all students.
B-A strives for inclusion through different programs, such as Blue Devil Buddies. In Blue Devil Buddies, students from the general curriculum go to Mrs. Shannon Elder’s room and play games with or help special education students with whatever they need during study halls.
Another form of inclusion is Bellwood’s unified bocce team, which began in 2018 and continues each year as an official PIAA sport.
For “Spread the Word” Inclusion Week, the high school will be partaking in a spirit week, with special dress themes each day.
- MONDAY: students wear their favorite hat.
- TUESDAY: wear red for autism acceptance.
- WENESDAY: wear your pajamas.
- THURSDAY: wear blue and gold.
We then end our week with no school on Friday!