Law class takes trip to Blair County prison

Photo courtesy of Mr. McNaul

The Law Class got to witness a state police helicopter in action.

On May 9, Mr. Matthew McNaul’s law class, along with seniors who took the class last year, took a field trip around Blair County to learn first-hand how law practices take place outside the classroom.

The law students visited the Pennsylvania State Police barracks in Hollidaysburg where they met with multiple State Police officers such as a forensics officer, patrol officer, SERT officer, public relations officer, and helicopter pilot officer. The students toured the barracks while also having the opportunity to talk to numerous specialty officers. At the end of the visit, the students got to watch a helicopter pilot officer land his helicopter and had the opportunity to check it out once it landed.

After the State Police barracks, the students then made their way to the Blair County Prison. The students got to tour the facility, witnessing the prisoners outside and in the cells. The students got to talk to the correction officers about the jail regulates and how it works.

Senior Caleb Beiswenger liked the trip and the biggest impression was made by his time in the prison.

“It was pretty scary,” exclaimed Caleb. “It was not what I expected at all, and I don’t plan on going there anytime soon.”