Early “promposals” are the rage at Bellwood-Antis

It’s all about style when getting that perfect prom date

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Blair Poorman asked Mikala McCracken to the prom with a teddy bear-themed promposal.

Devin Poplin, Staff Writer

Social media is reshaping the way kids think about prom.  There are tons of twitter and Instagram accounts dedicated to promposals.

Yes, promposals.

According to Urban Dictionary the definition of promposal is “a proposal from one person asking another person to the prom; it is a combination of the words “prom” and “proposal.”  It defines a promposal as “The act of contriving an elaborate plan to increase your chances of getting at prom, that may

1. end in utter, humilating failure, because high school relationships totally matter.

2. result in a pseudomarriage that comes with an order of epicburger with fries on the side.

Kids used to ask one another to the prom by simply asking “Do you want to go to prom?” like senior Hunter McCracken asked freshman Alexis Gerwert in geometry this year. A lot of students have chosen a different path than Hunter though, asking their dates to prom with extravagant promposals.

And the promposals have definitely started early this year at BAHS.

Some students chose to ask their dates through sports.

Freshmen Tina Hollen and Ali Dumin both got promposals at the same time this year. Nathan Davis asked Ali by giving her a rose and asked for three chances to make a half-court for her to go to prom with him. Even though he failed and had to ask for more chances, Ali said she is still excited to go to prom with Nathan.

Tina Hollen was asked by Noah D’Angelo after her basketball game. Noah made a sign that said “It would really be ballin’ if you would go to prom with me,” and gave Tina flowers.

Senior Tyler Shultz asked Kelly Leamer after her basketball game. Kelly said that she thought it was cute and she is excited to go to prom.

Senior Jake Shade made a sign for classmate Alayna Roberts to ask her to prom that said “My goal is to kickoff prom with you,” and he presented it to her at an indoor soccer game. Along with the sign he gave her flowers.

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Jake Shade used Alayna Robert’s love of soccer to win a date to the prom.

Some other students used their art and romance skills to score a date to the prom.

Freshman, Mikala McCracken got asked to prom by Blair Poorman.

Blair asked Mikala with a sign that said “I couldn’t bear to go to prom without you” and gave her a teddy bear.

Justin Gunsallus asked his girlfriend, Hannah Klesius, to prom by decorating her locker with letters that spelled out prom and hearts. He also gave her flowers.

Junior Brennan McKendree also asked his girlfriend, Maria McFarland, to prom. He called her down to the office and was waiting with flowers and a sign that said prom.

Nate Claar asked Emilee Astore to prom with an original poem and candy.

“It was surprising, he pulled me out of sixth period study hall and I thought it was cute. I liked it,” said Emilee.