Read Across America Theme: Reader’s Choice

Phoebe Potter

Posters of student and teacher readers were hung around the school Monday for Read Across America Week.

Ciera Spangler, Staff Writer

The Bellwood-Antis High School English Department is celebrating Read Across America by holding separate theme days for each day of the week from March 2-6.  Day One is Readers’ Choice Day.

As  part of Reader’s Choice Day, Bellwood-Antis students and teachers were asked the question, “What’s your favorite book and why?” We received a variety of responses.  Students had their pictures taken and displayed throughout school with their answers, as well as on the BluePrint.

Tyler Shultz
Emily Wagner
Tyler Shultz

TYLER SHULTZ: Hamilton: Beyond Belief. It’s an inspiration how he beat addiction.  It’s just too bad what’s happened to him lately.

Jules Lusk
Emily Wagner
Jules Lusk

JULES LUSK: The Last Lecture.  It teaches you what’s important in life.

Hannah Cherry
Hannah Cherry

HANNAH CHERRY: The Book Thief. It was suspenseful, and it had meaning

Geoff Hollen
Geoff Hollen

GEOFF HOLLEN: I Am Number 4. I like that it’s about kids, and the idea of aliens looking like us, like they could be among us.

Caroline Showalter and Kelcie Dennis
Caroline Showalter and Kelcie Dennis

CAROLINE SHOWALTER: The Picture of Dorian Grey. Because I read it in AP lit and Ms. Trostle is my favorite teacher.

KELCIE DENNIS: The Fault in Our Stars. It’s an inspiring story and a good book.

Clay Engle
Clay Engle

CLAY ENGLE: The Call. It took me all eighth grade to read but I did it.

Sarah Winesickle and Lexi Crusciel
Edn Convery
Sarah Winesickle and Lexi Crusciel

SARAH WINESICKLE: The Outsiders. It taught me a lot about not judging people just because they are different.

LEXI CRUSCIEL: The Storyteller. It kept me hanging; never a dull moment.

Jack Showalter
Jack Showalter

JACK SHOWALTER: Bleachers. It’s easy to relate to.

Hunter Curren
Hunter Curren

HUNTER CURREN: Green Eggs and Ham.  Sam is an emotional guy and I feel I connect with him.


Lydia Eamigh
Lydia Eamigh

LYDIA EAMIGH: The Perks of Being a Wallflower. It prepares you for high school.

Phoebe Potter
Phoebe Potter

PHOEBE POTTER: On the Road.  It lets me escape the real world but also gives me a sense of freedom. It makes me want to explore the world.