Read Across America Theme: Reader’s Choice

Phoebe Potter

Posters of student and teacher readers were hung around the school Monday for Read Across America Week.

Ciera Spangler, Staff Writer

The Bellwood-Antis High School English Department is celebrating Read Across America by holding separate theme days for each day of the week from March 2-6.  Day One is Readers’ Choice Day.

As  part of Reader’s Choice Day, Bellwood-Antis students and teachers were asked the question, “What’s your favorite book and why?” We received a variety of responses.  Students had their pictures taken and displayed throughout school with their answers, as well as on the BluePrint.

Emily Wagner
Tyler Shultz

TYLER SHULTZ: Hamilton: Beyond Belief. It’s an inspiration how he beat addiction.  It’s just too bad what’s happened to him lately.

Emily Wagner
Jules Lusk

JULES LUSK: The Last Lecture.  It teaches you what’s important in life.

Hannah Cherry

HANNAH CHERRY: The Book Thief. It was suspenseful, and it had meaning

Geoff Hollen

GEOFF HOLLEN: I Am Number 4. I like that it’s about kids, and the idea of aliens looking like us, like they could be among us.

Caroline Showalter and Kelcie Dennis

CAROLINE SHOWALTER: The Picture of Dorian Grey. Because I read it in AP lit and Ms. Trostle is my favorite teacher.

KELCIE DENNIS: The Fault in Our Stars. It’s an inspiring story and a good book.

Clay Engle

CLAY ENGLE: The Call. It took me all eighth grade to read but I did it.

Edn Convery
Sarah Winesickle and Lexi Crusciel

SARAH WINESICKLE: The Outsiders. It taught me a lot about not judging people just because they are different.

LEXI CRUSCIEL: The Storyteller. It kept me hanging; never a dull moment.

Jack Showalter

JACK SHOWALTER: Bleachers. It’s easy to relate to.

Hunter Curren

HUNTER CURREN: Green Eggs and Ham.  Sam is an emotional guy and I feel I connect with him.


Lydia Eamigh

LYDIA EAMIGH: The Perks of Being a Wallflower. It prepares you for high school.

Phoebe Potter

PHOEBE POTTER: On the Road.  It lets me escape the real world but also gives me a sense of freedom. It makes me want to explore the world.