Germany’s system is not for us
Regarding free education, it is good that public elementary and high school education is free. But I think making college education free is a bad idea.
Yes, it would be nice not to pay for tuition but what would this cost? It would cost the American taxpayers.
In the article “Should public colleges be free?” it says that “…a public option would change who pays for higher education but not necessarily how much it costs to provide it.” That means it would put a strain on the government and the schools.
In solving the problem “should students have to pay,” it creates a bigger problem. Within the article “What Bernie Sanders doesn’t understand about Germany’s free college,” it states “Many careers that require college degrees in America do not require college degrees in Germany.” This means that when Bernie Sanders says we should do what Germany does, he is telling us falsehoods. Germany doesn’t need people to have college degrees like America. If we had what Germany has we would be more in debt as a country.