Tina Hollen, posing with Brendan Kowalski, is steadily improving in the javelin.
April 14, 2017
Tuesday at the Bellwood-Antis girls’ dual track meet against Tussey Mountain and McConnellsburg, Tina Hollen took first place throwing the javelin. During basketball season, she led Bellwood-Antis’ junior varsity team through a season with no losses.
For her efforts, she has been selected as the BluePrint’s Athlete of the Week.
Tina decided to join track and field her freshmen year after basketball season ended to keep herself busy, and luckily she found success in track.
“ I heard track was a relaxed sport and I wanted to get a break from basketball for a little,” said Tina.
Tina’s events in track and field consist of long jump, triple jump, and javelin. Hollen has been on the track team for three years and it is easy to tell that the hard work and dedication that Tina has put into her events is paying off.
“I PR-ed by ten feet in javelin this year,” said Tina.
To better herself for track and basketball, Tina tries her hardest to make sure she is doing what she can to help improve herself.
“I lift in the off-season and play other sports that will help me get stronger,” she said.
As far as Tina’s performance so far this track season, she understands that there is still room for improvement.
“I haven’t been able to do as well as I’d hoped but I’m hopeful that I’ll get better as the season goes on,” she said.
When it comes to personal goals, Hollen has set reasonable ones for herself.
“I hope to PR in all of my events and get good enough to make it to districts,” said Hollen.