SPOTLIGHT ON STAFF: Sidney Patterson


Name: Sidney Patterson

Age: 17

Years in BluePrint: 1

What do you do for the BluePrint?

I am the Lead Editor so my primary writings are stories for The Lead section, however I’ve written a few blogs, and I edit a lot of the other stories that get published on the website.

What do you enjoy about BluePrint?

BluePrint combines two things I’m really passionate about: writing and people. It’s a privilege to get to know the people who walk the same halls as me and how they perceive everything that happens in the school and in the community.

What’s your best or favorite story you have done so far?

I have two that it boils down to, one of them is my feature story I wrote on the Phys. Ed program for Bellwood’s Autistic Support students, “Everyone can enjoy physical activity.” Not only did this story win me my first Best of SNO award, but the day I got to participate in one of the actual gym classes made one of the best memories of my junior year.

Another story close to my heart was the first story I wrote for The Lead on Maddison Shura. It was the story that sparked my drive for BluePrint about someone I hold very near and dear to my heart.

What would you tell a person considering joining the BluePrint?

Mr. Naylor will stop asking you to take the class once you put it on your schedule, so save yourself the trouble and write it down. You probably would have taken it anyway. BluePrint makes Monday mornings more tolerable and if you’re lucky, you get a really great staff to work alongside.