B-A sends 17 to County Chorus

Caroline Nagle

Seventeen singers from Bellwood-Antis are headed to Balir County Chorus next week.

Leah Farber, Staff Writer

Eight Bellwood-Antis Freshman will be going to the Blair County Senior High Chorus festival, highlighting a group of B-A 17 singers selected for the event next week in Tyrone.

The freshmen qualifiers are: Alexandra Diamond, Riley Endress, Haley Campbell, Sasha Neyman, Malia Danish, Noah Patton, John Sloey, and Hunter Gregg.

Sr. High County Chorus will be conducted by Dr. Becken. It will be held November 20 and 21 at Tyrone High School. Students from grades 9-12 are going to be there.

“It is an honor to go to Sr. High County Chorus as a Freshman. I am also very excited because it is one of my favorite directors, Dr. Becken. I had hime my first year of Jr. High County Chorus in 7th grade,” said Alexandra.

There will also be five sophomores: Cazen Cowfer, Brooke Beichler, Olivia Bailor, Alex Roberts, and Dominic Tornatore; two juniors: Shalee Bennet and Dominic Faith; and two seniors: Rachel Wertz and Robert VanKirk.

Haley said she felt County Chorus provides an opportunity to expand one’s horizons.

“Not only does it strengthen my ability to sing, but I will also make many friends in the process,” she said.

For Malia Danish, it is an event well worth the sacrifice.

“I’m grateful that I get to participate in County Chorus. It will be a great experience,” she said. “Although it is a lot of hard work and dedication, it will be a lot of fun.”

It will be the first trip to counties for sophomore Brooke Beichler, who likes the idea of spreading her wings.

“I never went before but I’m not nervous,” Brooke said. “I’m excited to be there with my friends, go to a different school, and meet new people.”

Sophomore Cazen Cowfer has attended counties all the way up through junior high, and she loves to seriousness of the event.

“I love getting a professional experience. It’s a real experience with no goofing off,” Cazen said.