ATHLETE OF THE WEEK: Evan Pellegrine

Maria Cuevas

Evan Pellegrine works for positioning in a match against Northern Bedford.

Corbin Nale, Staff Writer

Evan Pellegrine has some high hopes of attending Penn State for college, where he would like to wrestle.

This season as a sophomore at B-A has been going great, with the heavyweight posting a record of 17-7.

While he is doing well individually, the team hasn’t won much, with just two wins thus far.

Evan says “It hasn’t been going how we hoped.” Forfeits have caused a majority of their losses.

Through all of this the Devils have been having a decent season in spots. Evan is one of those bright spots.

“I was expecting to have a bad season, but it turned out pretty well so far,” he said.

Improvement is a large part of being an athlete, and Evan feel there’s “still room for improvement.”

If it doesn’t work out on the mat, Evan has some other plans for after school, like ROTC and the military after.

Over the weekend, he placed recently placed 8th of 24 at West Branch Invite.

We wish Evan and the rest of the best of luck for the rest of their season.