A wonderful new team

With new leadership and staff members, the yearbook is still chugging along towards its deadlines

Harley Strunk

Early-bird yearbook sales end in two weeks, so there’s still time to get a discount.

Leah Farber, Staff Writer

The Yearbook Club is making a NEW start with a NEW advisor and a NEW team, and important deadlines are fast approaching.

Friday, February 23 is the last day to order yearbooks ON SALE for $64! After the February 23 deadline, yearbooks will be sold at full price, but more importantly by missing the deadline students will miss out on the chance to have their books personalized.

Mrs. Allison Stinson, the Yearbook advisor, feels that her first year is going well, and that the learning process of advising this club is coming along.  

Year book was advised last year by Mrs. Summer Carson.

Junior, Alivia Jacobs, one of two yearbook editors, said,”I think we had a slow start at the beginning of the year due to a whole new team, but we’ve been working hard to complete each of our pages so that the yearbook is as close to perfect as we can get.”

Mrs. Stinson also chimed in on the progress of the club, which has been solid.

The students are great. They are getting their assigned pages done on time,” she said.

Meeting page deadlines is essential to process of completing the yearbook because when the yearbook is created it will be printed in sections. 

The Yearbook Club has sold 185 books so far. The final deadline for the last section of pages to be printed is March 26.