In The Club… With French Club

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One French activity is the French Restaurant.

Rebecca Burns, Staff writer

French club furthers the study of French culture. The only requirement to join the club are that you must be currently enrolled in a French class or have completed one year of high school French. Also, if it is after the start of the second semester, students should talk to Mr. Van Scoyoc. Students who are in French club have an opportunity to prepare and serve a French meal, a chance to enjoy a lunch of French food prior to Christmas break, and at least one graduating senior is given a $250.00 dollar scholarship.

Although French Club is self explanatory, there may be parts of it you might not know about. For example, I never knew that they got to make French food. And who wouldn’t love a French lunch before Christmas break?

Furthermore, for anyone who is interested in joining, they meet in room 112 during group 1 activity period. Alanna Vaglica shared that she originally signed up because learning about other cultures is very important to her. She says, “I’ve used French so many times in State College, so it helps me in life,” and, “I enjoy being able to use my French the most.”

Next week’s article is Spanish Club.