mini-THON stall day generates $1,000
February 25, 2020
Thursday, February 13, the Bellwood-Antis Middle and High School and participated in a mini-THON stall day. It was the second stall day of the school year.
All of the change collected in the 8th period classes will go to help families of children battling cancer through the Four Diamonds Organization.
The mini-THON committee set a goal for the 2019-2020 school year of $25,000. Stall day is the way to meet this goal, along with many other fundraisers.
The high school raised $657. In the middle school, Mrs. Ruda Burns’ homeroom brought in the most change, with a total of $140.52.
The homeroom that collected the most will be rewarded with a pizza party sometime after, mini-THON. Passing up the total from last year of $800, the grand total between both schools was $1192.15,getting the committee closer to the overall goal for this school year.
Also last week Myers Elementary School held a week where they collected change, which will go into the grand total. Interested students have been volunteering to count change in Mr. Matthew McNaul’s room after school this week.
“Very few kids brought in change, but we still raised more $500. Between the three schools, we might come close to $5,000, which is 20% of our goal,” said Mr. McNaul, one of mini-THON’s two faculty advisors, along with Mr. Brandon Stewart. “There is still time to donate to help meet our goal.”