Feature Teacher: Mr. McNaul
Mr. McBaul began teaching at B-A in 2011.
Mr. McNaul has been a civics teacher at Bellwood-Antis High School for around 11 years.
One important part of being a teacher is having a reason to want to want to teach their subject area.
“Joking around with the students,” Mr. McNaul stated, as his favorite part about his job is making the lessons a little more enjoyable.
However, for every teacher there is also a part of the job that they don’t quite like.
“Students who don’t put in their best effort,” said Mr. McNaul when asked his least favorite part of the job.
Mr. McNaul’s biggest thrill is showing people how civics impacts their everyday life.
“I like helping the students see the relationship between what I discuss in civics and it playing out in real life,” he said.
Putting lessons into a real life point of view is also useful. Planning the lesson can be tricky, Mr. McNaul said, but he feels the best way of to have an attentive class is joking around with students and introducing their minds to new perspectives – all things Mr. McNaul has mastered in more than a decade teaching at B-A.