Just Junior: Vincent Cacciotti

Olivia Hess

The featured student this week is the one-and-only Vincent Cacciotti.

Olivia Hess, Staff Writer

This week’s featured student does anything and everything, as he’s involved in eight school extracurriculars. This high-achieving junior is none other than Vincent Cacciotti.

Vincent has been in the district since Kindergarten and has been a part of baseball and basketball since then. He also participates in Tech Club, Scholastic Scrimmage, NHS, FCA, and Renaissance, and is the yearbook editor. 

For the future, Vincent plans to stay in-state for college, yet his major is undecided at the moment. His dream job is out-of-this-world since he would love to be an astronautical engineer. 

“I would love to work for NASA constructing spacecrafts to progress our country’s knowledge of outer space, and if possible, I would also like to teach my findings in a college”, he said. 

His appreciation for abstract concepts and problem-solving led to his interest in that field and is the reason why his “super controversial” favorite class has been (“Without sounding too nerdy”) Algebra II. 

With all of Vincent’s activities, he “[doesn’t] have much spare time”, but when he does, he takes advantage of it.

“…I play the piano and enjoy looking for hobbies, as I always switch up what I do with free time”.

Along with playing the piano in any free time he has, he watches the show “Criminal Minds”, and likes how viewers are able to profile and figure out the cases alongside the BAU (Behavioral Analysis Unit) in the show. 

Out of everyone in his life, Vincent most admires his parents.

“…they have never been faced with a problem that they haven’t been able to solve. They keep their composure no matter the situation,” he quoted. 

On the subject of admiration, he has a favorite teacher he has always looked up to: Ms. Forshey. She has inspired the individual he is today, and “helped [him] to develop a unique personality”.

“I wouldn’t be who I am without her,” Vincent said.

Now, without further ado, Vincent has a joke to share:

“Three guys are in heaven. Because they lived good lives on earth, God allowed them to return. The only catch is that they can’t return as a human. He instructed the men to jump from the clouds and shout what they wanted to be upon return. The first guy went, and as he jumped, he shouted, “an eagle”. The second guy jumped, and this man shouted, “a cobra”. When it was the third guy’s turn, he thought and knew what he wanted to be. Unfortunately, as the third man jumped, he tripped over the cloud, and when the accident took place he muttered, “aww, crap”.”

Thank you for the laughs, Vincent, and good luck with all of your future plans!