Aevidum hosts school wide volleyball tournament

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Avedum is hosting a volleyball tournament before Easter Break.

Aevidum will be hosting a volleyball tournament during periods 1-4 on Thursday, April 6.

It costs $10 per team and there can be 5-6 people, any grade, on a single team.

This event will be held on the half day before Easter break and is replacing the activity fair that was missed before Christmas break due to school cancellation.

Senior Danny Weeden, Aevidum president, said the reasoning behind the volleyball tournament is “to give students a break from school, to raise money, and to build a bit of unity.”

There are currently 13 teams signed up for the competition, and Mr. Matt McNaul, Aevidum advisor, is encouraging more teams to sign up, especially a team of teachers to compete against the students.

Mr. Mcnaul is excited for the tournament, exclaiming, “The tournament will be a good way for students to have fun together before break.” 

The final day to sign up for the volleyball tournament is this Friday, March 31st.