Graduation moved to Bell Mansion rooftop

Jayden Bartlebaugh photo mash up

Mr. Rhone, Mr. Hallahan, Mr. Elder, and Mr. Burch, B-A’s own Fab Four, will be performing live at commencement, a la the Beatles.

Due to the condition of the football field at Memorial Stadium, Bellwood-Antis High School will be moving the graduation ceremony to the roof of the Bell Mansion.

The school administration made this decision after realizing that after the graduation ceremony, the field will be torn apart. Since Bellwood is entering a new conference, the administration wants to keep the field in pristine shape for the upcoming season.

The idea to have the ceremony on the roof came from athletic director Charlie Burch, who is a huge Beatles fan and thought that it would be perfect for this event.

Alongside the changes to the graduation location, the school administration will be performing “Let It Be” by the Beatles. The performance will be done by the following staff, Mr. Burch – lead vocals, Mr. Hallahan – bass guitar, Mr. Elder – guitar, and Mr. Rhone – drums.

The school will be restricting any mosh pitting since it is dangerous and the graduation gowns are expensive.

Students will receive their diploma at the front entrance of the Mansion via crowd surfing their way to the entrance.

AMED will be on standby for students who pass out during the amazing performance. Bellwood will also provide water and snacks before entering the field in front of Bell Mansion.

Bleachers will be surrounding the field for parents and students who don’t want to participate in the concert.