The Bellwood-Antis High School Fellowship of Christian Athletes is beginning its annual cereal drive to benefit the St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry in Altoona.
The cereal drive will run into February 21st.
Each year the FCA asks students to bring in boxes of cereal, which are placed in boxes in students’ home rooms and counted at the end of the drive.
In the middle school and high school, the homerooms with the most boxes donated will receive a pizza party.
Advisor Mr. Lovrich said officers Gigi Juart, Briley Campbell, Holden Schreier, Lindsay Campbell play a big role in the cereal drive.
“The food pantry works hard to get as much food as possible,” said Schreier, who is the group’s president. “Every box you donate can help feed underprivileged families in the area.”
The FCA has been operating the cereal drive for at least 10 years. The group usually gets anywhere from 500-1,400 boxes. To reach 1,000 is typical.
FCA collected 960 cereal boxes last year.
“It allows us to help out people in our community who are struggling to make it. The food pantry helps a lot of people,” Mr. Lovrich said.
The highest producing year for the cereal drive came in 2015, when students collected 1,517 boxes.