There are a lot of different fashion trends and brands that come and go but what exactly are THEE most popular trending at the moment with the most demand? Here are the top 3 most popular brands of 2025:
In 3rd place, Adidas. Very popular among the athletic category, this brand won overall with a percentage rate of 31.5%. A lot of people like their sweatpants and shoes mostly, the adidas sambas really gave them demand back in 2024. In my opinion, it’s not my favorite brand but it’s very durable.
In 2nd place, Levi’s. I’ve been seeing a lot of people thrifting vintage Levi’s instead of shopping for the modern versions but still seem to be quite popular with a percentage rate of 35%. The pants have gained the most demand for the jeans look and the durability. This is one of my favorite brands for exactly that reason.
And last but not least, in 1st place, Nike. I am not surprised at this being the overall winner because they have collaborated with A-LOT of other brands to gain as much demand as they have, with their percentage rate as 37.1%. Not to mention all their different types of clothing (Shirts, Sweatpants, Jackets, Etc.) but the most popular item gaining demand by the day being their shoes. Nike Air, Nike Air Max, Nike Retro, etc. It could go on and on, and in my opinion this is the best type of shoe for a lot of running sports like Basketball, Track, and Soccer.