Solar Cooker Project touches BASD

Edyn Convery

Mrs. Brant has engaged her students in the Solar Cooker Project for four years.

Emilee Astore, Staff Writer/Education News Reporter

Special thanks to Ms. Brant’s POD and World Cultures classes, along with faculty, who contributed to raising money for the Solar Cooker Project.

Because of everyone involved the project collected $519.

“My students are learning about community service in a unit titled 9 Elements of Citizenship. The element of community service can encompass local, national, and world communities. Over the past four years, we collected money for the Solar Cooker Project,” said Ms. Brant.

This year’s project attempted to raise enough money to outfit two new camps with Solar Cookers.

The story behind the Solar Cooker Project is that it protects Darfuri refugee women and girls in eastern Chad by decreasing the need for dangerous firewood-collection trips outside the refugee camps.

The environmentally-sound Solar Cooker Project also gives young girls more time to attend school and empowers women with entrepreneurial manufacturing and training opportunities.  You can read more about it here.

Ms. Brant was first introduced to the project 6-7 years ago when Judith Meisel, Holocaust guest speaker, began speaking about Solar Cookers to her and her students.

“Raising money and awareness for Darfuri women is extremely important in order to keep them from being beaten, raped, and killed by the northern Sudanese who see them as useless people in the world,” said Brant.

With the collection of the money for the project it makes Ms. Brant believe in the goodness and generosity of her classes and faculty here at BASD.

“Bellwood-Antis has heart and deep love for people around the world,” said Brant.