Mr. Sachse leading Pit Orchestra

Long-time pit member takes first turn as conductor on The Music Man

Emily Wagner

Mr. Sachse is the pit conductor for this year’s production of The Music Man.

Kayla Kustaborder

This year Mr. Patrick Sachse will be leading the pit orchestra for the play, The Music Man, instead of playing in it.

He has been in BA’s pit for four shows.

There will be a total of twelve musicians playing in the orchestra. Two violins, three woodwinds, two trumpets, two trombones, a drum set, an upright bass and a piano.

He is very excited but also very nervous about leading the pit orchestra. “This is a new step in my professional career,” he said.

He also added, “It’s a great opportunity for a director, especially from a small school, to work with and conduct adult professionals.”

He said that it will definitely be different leading it than being it in it.

“It is different because it’s a higher pressure job. The musicians can’t see the stage, so it’s my job to conduct and give the information they need to play well and at the right time. I have to be very focused on what’s happening on stage at all times,” said Mr. Sachse.

It takes a lot of time commitment to get everything organized and prepared.

He said, “The professional orchestra rehearses a total of 9 hours before opening night. I had the opportunity to perform on trombone for Bishop Guillfoyle’s production, which let me learn the show from an “insider’s perspective.” Beyond that, I’ve attended 15 hours at rehearsals and practiced on my own.”

The most popular songs they will be playing are “until there was you” and “76 trombones.”