National Play-Doh Day
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Freshman Alivia Jacobs has matered the Play-doh snowman.
Wednesday, September 16th, is National Play-Doh Day!
Remember that rainbow gunk that was hard as a rock in the back corner of your living room? Yeah that’s probably the play-doh you played with 10 years ago and forgot about until you decided to rearrange the furniture.
Play-doh was originally made as a wallpaper cleaner in the 1930’s. It wasn’t until the 1950’s when Play-doh was first marketed as a children’s toy. Play-doh first came in only four colors; red, blue, yellow, and white.
Since its creation, Play-doh has sold over 2 billion tubes/cans, equivalent to the weight of 2000 Statue of Liberty’s, so it must be extremely popular.
Junior Nate Friedenberger, told all about his fondness for Play-Doh. He said, “I think so many people love Play-Doh because it’s to fun to play with it even as they get older.”
If you enjoy the recognizable scent of Play-doh, there is a cologne you can get to smell heavenly like the dough scent. The fragrance is by Demeter Fragrance Liberty.
This year was also the first year that National Play-Doh Day was recognized worldwide.
Junior Abby Luensmann reminisced on playing with Play-doh as a child.
“I used to eat it as a kid. I remember it being really salty.”